I’m a contemporary Australian visual artist based in Melbourne (Naarm). The foundation of my initial painting practice used existing cultural images of public figures from the media and repositioned them into a new allegorical framework, as markers of individual and collective identity, to enable consideration of broader perspectives of meaning.
My current practice expands upon this via paintings of figure groupings, that combine with text and installation elements, to implicate us to consider our collective and individual susceptibility to manipulation by right-wing populist mis/disinformation, conspiracies, false narratives, “alternative facts”, half-truths and lies, as part of a conservative agenda to undermine progressive change at our peril.
Future performance, installation-based and painted works will explore unspoken realities, individual or collective vulnerabilities, to implicate the viewer to think of their own experiences or consider the lived experiences of others.
I graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts - The University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting) in the year 2000, and have recently completed a Masters of Fine Art (Coursework) at RMIT University in 2020.